2024-2025 School year session: September - June
Jumping Beans (mixed age class for 2-4 year olds) T/Th 8:30AM - 1:30PM
- ​NEW Extended Day Option - Animal Exploration enrichment program T/Th 1:30PM - 4:30PM
Music Together® class on Thursdays
We will consider a child who is not yet two on a case by case basis.
Jitterbugs (class for 3-4 year olds) M/W/F 8:30AM - 1:30PM
NEW Extended Day Option - Art, Science, Cooking/Gardening enrichment program M/W/F 1:30PM - 4:30PM
Music Together® class on Wednesdays
NEW Mon - Fri enrollment available for 3-4 year olds; (dual enrollment in Jumping Beans and Jitterbugs classes)
Summer Camp: July - August
We have a Monday/Wednesday class, and a Tuesday/Thursday class in the summer, 8:30AM - 1:30PM
We offer summer camp enrollment to incoming students after our current students enroll. There may not be room for every incoming student that wants a summer camp spot, but we will do our best to accommodate.
1. The first step is to get on our waitlist HERE. Once your form is filled out, you will be added to Brightwheel (our administrative and communication platform).
2. We would love to meet you! Our next Open House is January 23, 2024 from 7pm - 8pm. Everyone on our wait list will receive an invitation. You are also welcome to contact us if you have any questions (contact information is at the bottom of the page).
3. Once a spot becomes available for you, we will invite you to enroll and send you the application documents. These are due back within one week with your non-refundable deposit.
School Year Session Jumping Beans Tuition (mixed age classroom for 2-4 year olds)
T/Th 8:30-1:30 $590 per month
NEW T/Th 1:30-4:30 Extended Day $190 per month/1 day per week/T or Th
$380 per month/2 days per week/T and Th
Tuition for June 2025 $590
Registration/Supply fee $225
Music Together® Class $75 per year
Extended Day Program $190 for June 2025/T or Th
Extended Day Program $380 for June 2025/T and Th
(Optional T/Th Extended Day ​Enrichment Program - Animal Exploration!)​
Total deposit with 1 day per week Extended Day $1080
Total deposit with 2 days per week Extended Day $1270
Total deposit without Extended Day $890
School Year Session Jitterbugs (3-4 year olds)
M/W/F 8:30-1:30 $890 per month
NEW M/W/F 1:30-4:30 Extended Day $190 per month/1 day per week/M or W or F
$380 per month/2 days per week/M or W or F
$570 per month/3 days per week/MWF
Tuition for June 2025 $890
Registration/Supply fee: $225
Music Together® Class $75 per year
Extended Day Program $190 for June 2025/1 day per week/M or W or F
Extended Day Program $380 for June 2025/2 days per week/M or W or F
Extended Day Program $570 for June 2025/3 days per week/MWF
​ (Optional M/W/F Extended Day Enrichment Program - Art, Science, Cooking/Gardening!)​
Total deposit with 1 day per week Extended Day $1380
Total deposit with 2 days per week Extended Day $1570
Total deposit with 3 days per week Extended Day $1760
Total deposit without Extended Day $1190
*NOTE: DUAL ENROLLMENT in Jumping Beans AND Jitterbugs Classes available (for 3-4 year olds)​
M-F 8:30-1:30 $1,480
NEW M-F 1:30-4:30 Extended Day $190 per month/1 day per week
$380 per month/2 days per week
$570 per month/3+ days per week
Summer session (All Ages 2-5 years old)​
Monday/Wednesday 8:30-1:30
Tuesday/Thursday 8:30-1:30
Summer Camp monthly tuition $590