Learning Objectives

Our foundational goal is that every child develops a love of school, trust in their teachers and classmates, and pride in their ability to be a successful student and friend.
Our learning approach is highly interactive and capitalizes on the exploratory tendencies of 4 and 5 year olds. Because we believe our world is full of wonder and learning is an adventure, we engage their persistent questions, passionate emotions, busy hands and wandering feet, and help them to apply these strengths to the appropriate time, place, and activity.
Rather than confine academics to worksheets and desk work, we integrate classroom concepts with real world exploration. Through frequent outdoor “expeditions” in our surrounding neighborhood, we examine how letters, numbers, shapes, and concepts are used in our everyday lives.
Our aim is to provide opportunities for meaningful work, self-expression, and collaboration. Through short and long-term projects, children construct their ideas, reflect on their work, revise their thinking, and present their creations to others.
Our students understand that the best learning environment takes into account safety, respect for self and others, and consideration of the needs of those around them. Some classmates enjoy working independently and prefer quiet and contained spaces, while others find themselves in the thick of group activity. Making room for our diverse strengths, personalities, and experiences supports a dynamic classroom community.
We regularly share stories of people in varying contexts around our city and world. By including many voices in our classroom, be it from books, guest speakers, or our NannyBoo Pre-K families, we continually experience the uniqueness of every person, family, context, and culture, and gain a greater appreciation of ourselves and others.
Our hallmark good friend program helps us guide children in expanding their mindset from “me” to “we” to “community”. We model that a good friend is someone who responds with empathy, kindness, and openness to others no matter their differences. Through service learning projects that are self-directed and student led, children regularly practice compassion and learn to take action together. Our graduates truly know how to be good friends, good neighbors, and community builders.
Our teachers are cognizant of the Kindergarten Readiness Skills recommended by the Seattle Public Schools, WaKIDS, and Department of Early Learning, and integrate skill building opportunities throughout the course of the day.
Our daily schedule incorporates a wide range of learning spaces and activities that cater to multiple learning styles and preferences. Our curriculum includes: math, reading, writing, art, science, social studies, geography, music, movement, projects, portfolios, presentations, tools and technology, friendship skills, manners, safety, health and self-care.
9:00 - 9:30 Arrival and Morning Activity Time:
Sign In
Classroom Jobs
Fine Motor and Gross Motor Activities
9:30 - 10:00 Community Circle Time:
Calendar, Weather
Music and Movement
Letters, Numbers, Monthly Learning Theme Presentation
Wonder Window and Tool Chest
10:00 - 10:30 Table Time:
*Snack will be provided by the school
10:30 - 11:30 Outdoor Exploration:
Science and Social Studies
*Exploration Areas include - NannyBoo’s Test Kitchen, Science Activity Tables,
Backyard, Mud Pit and Garden Areas, Neighborhood Landscape and Parks
11:30 - Noon Lunch and Community Time:
*Children will bring a sack lunch to school each day
Book Chart
Show and Tell/Presentations
Noon - 12:55 Center Time and Small Groups:
Learning Centers include:
Math in Motion
Dramatic Play Marketplace
Maps and Habitats
Writing, Art
Science Table - NannyBoo's Test Kitchen
12:55 - 1:00 Pack Up and Pick Up Parade!